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Doctor Lakeatta Tonge currently works at the New Parent Support Program, coordinator on Moody Air Force Base, where she overseas approximately 200 new parents annually within a military community. Doctor Tonge served in the United States Air Force for 24 years as a labor, delivery, and postpartum nurse. Her 24 years of healthcare experience includes working as a maternal health medical technician, aeromedical evacuation technician and instructor, a labor, delivery, postpartum nurse, nurse manager of an OB/GYN clinic, and finally as a Staff Development Officer. In 2018, Doctor Tonge was awarded $23, 500 to start up Airmen’s Angels in efforts to meet the needs of women and families that suffer from perinatal loss across the Air Force. Upon her retirement, she was offered the position of the Family Advocacy Nurse and worked with new parents from the start of pregnancy through the child’s third year of life. The position allows for in-home-visitation which has expounded on the many issues surrounding access to maternal mental health services and elements that contribute to postpartum depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders affecting mother-infant bonding.

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Valdosta, Georgia 31601
United States


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